Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides robust, wide-ranging, comprehensive feature sets for any type of cloud migration. If you’re planning to implement hybrid cloud technology, AWS can integrate with other public clouds, private clouds, or on-premise data centers to...
Hybrid Cloud Applications — Your Questions, Answered
Hybrid cloud applications are becoming increasingly popular as they combine the scale and flexibility of the public cloud with the security and mission-critical nature of private cloud deployments. Hybrid cloud applications could be an ideal solution for your business...
Artificial Intelligence as a Cloud Service — What Does it Mean to You?
If there are two major buzzwords in tech right now, they are “Cloud Services” and “Artificial Intelligence,” so it’s inevitable that they’d be combined. AI and the cloud are complex though, so here’s our primer to understand what AI cloud services do, and whether they...
Four Mistakes to Avoid When You’re Migrating to the Cloud
The writing’s on the (virtual) wall for on-premise data centers, with more and more businesses moving their IT infrastructure and operations to the cloud. That makes sense — an easily-scalable infrastructure combined with on demand pricing and all the add ons you need...
Cloud Encryption: The Importance and the Challenges
Forward-thinking businesses like yours are moving more IT applications, services, and infrastructure into the cloud. Alongside the benefits of on-demand scalability, central administration, and ease-of-access, there’s a need for caution — protecting your business and...
Tips for Ensuring Your Data Protection is Aligned with GDPR
If you do business in the European Union, or you hold data about or generated by EU citizens, you need to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR puts data protection front-and-center, so how do you ensure you meet those regulations?...
Your Comprehensive IT Disaster Recovery Plan Checklist
Why its Important to have a Disaster Recovery Plan Checklist: Overview Data protection like the weather is not always 100% stable and predictable. Things like a natural disaster, hardware failure, or other events can have a significant impact on your business data, in...
Six Cloud-Based Cybersecurity Threats to Prepare for in 2019
Cybersecurity needs to constantly evolve to stay ahead of the new attack vectors and techniques that hackers and other bad actors use to steal your business data. We’ve looked at how data attacks are changing and identified the biggest threats and risks to your data...
Business Cloud Services and Cybersecurity — Your Questions, Answered
Data breaches and hacks continue to get a great deal of visibility, and the need to protect your applications and data has never been more important. As businesses like yours leverage the “Cloud”, moving more information & applications into cloud-based services,...
GDPR and the Cloud: What Major Enterprises Need to Know
If there’s one thing you might remember from your email inbox in mid-2018, it’s probably all the privacy policy updates and businesses begging you to stay on their mailing lists. This upsurge in activity came from a European directive — the General Data Protection...