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NetApp Selective LUN Mapping

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The following is based on Selective LUN Map. Additional information can be viewed at FAQ: Selective LUN mapping.

Selective LUN Map (SLM) reduces the number of paths from the host to the LUN. With SLM, when a new LUN map is created, the LUN is accessible only through paths on the node owning the LUN and its HA partner.

SLM enables management of a single igroup per host and also supports non-disruptive LUN move operations that do not require portset manipulation or LUN remapping.

Portsets can be used with SLM just as in previous versions of Data ONTAP to further restrict access of certain targets to certain initiators . When using SLM with portsets, LUNs will be accessible on the set of LIFs in the portset on the node that owns the LUN and on that node’s HA partner.

Beginning with Data ONTAP 8.3 SLM is enabled by default on all new LUN maps. For LUNs created prior to Data ONTAP 8.3, you can manually apply SLM by using the lun mapping remove-reporting-nodes command to remove the LUN reporting nodes and restrict LUN access to the LUN owning node and its HA partner.


Beginning with Data ONTAP 8.3 SLM is enabled by default on all new LUN maps. For LUNs created prior to Data ONTAP 8.3, you can manually apply SLM by using the lun mapping remove-reporting-nodes command to remove the LUN reporting nodes and restrict LUN access to the LUN owning node and its HA partner.

More Information

How to determine whether SLM is enabled on a LUN map

If your environment has a combination of LUNs created in Data ONTAP 8.3 and LUNs transitioned into Data ONTAP 8.3 from previous versions, you might need to determine whether Selective LUN Map (SLM) is enabled on a specific LUN.

cluster::> lun mapping show -vserver <vserver> -fields reporting-nodes

cluster::> lun mapping show -vserver svm01 -fields reporting-nodes

6 entries were displayed.
vserver path igroup reporting-nodes

svm01 /vol/svr01_cv_app/svr01_cv_app svr01 cluster-03,cluster-04
svm01 /vol/svr01_cv_index/svr01_cv_index svr01 cluster-01,cluster-02
svm01 /vol/svr02_cv_app/svr02_cv_app svr02 cluster-03,cluster-04
svm01 /vol/svr02_cv_index/svr02_cv_index svr02 cluster-01,cluster-02
svm01 /vol/svr_san_boot/svr01 svr01
svm01 /vol/svr_san_boot/svr02 svr02

Decreasing mapped LUN paths with SLM for LUNs created prior to Data ONTAP 8.3

You can reduce the number of paths mapped to your LUNs by using Selective LUN Map (SLM). Reducing the number of LUN paths simplifies host side multipath management and ensures that the number of host paths to the LUN does not exceed the maximum supported by Data ONTAP.

  • If you are modifying reporting nodes you must be in advanced mode

cluster::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
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cluster::*> lun mapping add-reporting-nodes -vserver -path -igroup -local-nodes true

cluster::*> lun mapping show -vserver svm01 -fields reporting-nodes

6 entries were displayed.
vserver path igroup reporting-nodes

svm01 /vol/svr01_cv_app/svr01_cv_app svr01 cluster-03,cluster-04
svm01 /vol/svr01_cv_index/svr01_cv_index svr01 cluster-01,cluster-02
svm01 /vol/svr02_cv_app/svr02_cv_app svr02 cluster-03,cluster-04
svm01 /vol/svr02_cv_index/svr02_cv_index svr02 cluster-01,cluster-02
svm01 /vol/svr_san_boot/svr01 svr01
svm01 /vol/svr_san_boot/svr02 svr02

cluster::*> lun mapping add -vserver svm01 -path /vol/svr_san_boot/svr01 -igroup svr01 -local-nodes true

cluster::*> lun mapping show -vserver svm01 -fields reporting-nodes

6 entries were displayed.
vserver path igroup reporting-nodes

svm01 /vol/svr01_cv_app/svr01_cv_app svr01 cluster-03,cluster-04
svm01 /vol/svr01_cv_index/svr01_cv_index svr01 cluster-01,cluster-02
svm01 /vol/svr02_cv_app/svr02_cv_app svr02 cluster-03,cluster-04
svm01 /vol/svr02_cv_index/svr02_cv_index svr02 cluster-01,cluster-02
svm01 /vol/svr_san_boot/svr01 svr01 cluster-01,cluster-02
svm01 /vol/svr_san_boot/svr02 svr02

Disable Selective LUN Map Cluster-wide

Can Selective LUN Map be disabled?

Selective LUN Map (SLM) is enabled by default. Run the following commands to disable LUN Map cluster-wide:

cluster::> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
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cluster::*> options lun.reporting_nodes.enable off

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